How do I apply for a permit
NHS Staff permits are managed locally by the parking team on site. For further details on making an application, please visit the trusts intranet, where you will find the relevant section under car parking. There are also contact details for the parking team, if requiring assistance with your application. Please note: Until an application has been accepted, the staff permit parking facilities cannot be used and may lead to a notice being issued.
Am I guaranteed a space to park?
As with all permits, a staff permit does not guarantee a space. Spaces are offered on a first come, first served basis and cannot be reserved.
How do I update the vehicle registration(s) on the permit
Permits can be updated via the online portal or through the permit administration team. For further details, please visit the trusts intranet, where you will find the relevant section under car parking. There are also contact details for the parking team, if requiring assistance. Please note: Until there is a valid permit for the "new" vehicle, the vehicle in question cannot use the existing permit
How do I renew my permit?
Permits can be renewed via the online portal or through the permit administration team (where applicable). For further details, please visit the trusts intranet, where you will find the relevant section under car parking. There are also contact details for the parking team, if requiring assistance. Please note: Until an application has been accepted, the staff permit parking facilities cannot be used and may lead to a notice being issued.
What can I do if I have lost my permit
If you have lost your physical permit, please immediately contact the parking team on site, either via the parking office or contact details available on the trusts intranet. Please note: Until a new permit has been provided or temporary authorisation provided by the permit team, the staff parking facilities cannot be used and may lead to a notice being issued.
How do I cancel my permit
Permits can be cancelled via the online portal or through the permit administration team. For further details, please visit the trusts intranet, where you will find the relevant section under car parking. There are also contact details for the parking team, if requiring assistance. Please note: Physical permits must be returned to the parking office
Are permits valid for all car park spaces?
Staff Parking Permits are valid for the staff car parks only; And are not valid in the Patient and Visitor Car Parks or other designated bays. As with all permits, a staff permit does not guarantee a space. Spaces are offered on a first come, first served basis and cannot be reserved.
Do you have contact details for the permit administration team?
If wishing to contact the staff permit administration team, please visit the trusts intranet where you will find the relevant section under car parking.