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West Midland Trains Permit - Changing or adding a vehicle registration

Updating or changing a vehicle registration associated to a West Midland Trains permit takes less than 1 minute, however must be done before using the railway facilities.



  1. Open the Saba App (and log in if required)
  2. Select "My Activity" at the bottom on the screen
  3. Expand the current active permit using the small arrow on the right hand side
  4. Next to the existing vehicle registration is the option to "Edit". Please click on the word "Edit".
  5. Select an existing vehicle on your account you would like to add, using the tick box to the left of the vehicle registration; Alternatively select "Add new vehicle"
  6. If selecting to add a new vehicle, please input the information requested and select "Confirm". Followed by using the tick box to the left of the vehicle registration to add the vehicle to the permit.
  7. Finally select "Submit". You will go back to the permit details, where you will see that the vehicle registration has now updated.
  8. If wishing to update the permit again in future, please follow the same process above.