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How do I update or change my Credit/Debit Card details.

You can amend your details in your account settings on the App or Website

There is no limit to the amount of Credit/Debit cards you can have on your account, so please either add a new card as needed or delete an existing card and update the details by adding an additional one.

You can add new cards under ‘My Account’ or ‘My Dashboard’, in the section ‘My Cards’ by clicking on either the ‘+’ sign or ‘Add card’ and fill out the details.

Please note that the default card will be the oldest card on the account, including for Auto Renew

How to delete a credit/debit card on your account:

  1. Go to ‘My Account’ or ‘My Dashboard
  2. Click to go to ‘My Cards’
  3. On Android devices, click on the card number and click Delete.

    On iOS devices, slide the card number to the left, then click on the ‘Delete’ button that appears on the right side of the card number.

    On the Website, please select the Bin Icon which appears when hovering the mouse over the particular card.