How to create an account on the Saba App
Creating an account on iPhone or Android is quick and easy. Start by downloading the Saba App from the Google Play or App Store. Once downloaded, open the app and select Sign Up. The app will then take you through the quick and easy process of setting an account up.
How to create a new account on the Saba Website
Creating an account on the website is quick and easy. Start by selecting "My Saba" in the top right hand corner of the website, followed by "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT". The website will then take you through the quick and easy process of setting an account up.
How do I get a copy of my receipt from a purchase via the App?
On completion of your purchase, you will automatically receive an email confirmation of your purchase which includes a VAT receipt. You may need to check your junk/spam folder for this.
Alternatively, VAT receipts can be obtained by viewing “My Transactions” on the Saba App and selecting the “Download Receipt” option after opening the relevant purchase.
You can also downloads receipts from the Saba website by following the same process
How do I get a copy of my receipt from a purchase via the Website?
On completion of your purchase, you will automatically receive an email confirmation of your purchase which includes a VAT receipt. You may need to check your junk/spam folder for this.
Alternatively, VAT receipts can be obtained by viewing “My Transactions” on the Saba website and selecting the “Download Receipt” option after opening the relevant purchase.
You can also downloads receipts from the Saba App by following the same process
I have forgotten my account login, what do I do?
Please click on the ‘Forgot Password?’ option above the Login button on the login screen. Enter your email address and click on the ‘Send’ button. A link will be sent to your email address to reset your password. Please click on the link to set a new password for your account.
If you have clicked on the ‘Send’ button and did not receive the follow-up email, please double check the email address provided to ensure an account exists. Please also check your Spam/Junk folder for in case your email provider has deemed the email to be spam. If experiencing further difficulty, please call 0330 123 5247
I would like to change my Email address on my account
To update the email address associated to your account, please first log into your account. Once logged in, view your account details and select "My Details". You will then have the option to edit the email address, followed by 'save'. Please remember for future reference when logging in that your email address has now changed.
I would like to add a new vehicle / delete an old vehicle from my account.
To amend the vehicle(s) associated to the account; Please log into your account, where under your account details, you will have the option to make changes to your account. Please note: Adding/Removing vehicles on your account does not update existing purchases. If you wish to update an existing purchase, please open the relevant ticket/permit, where you will see the option to update the vehicle registration there. Please ensure you make this change prior to using the car park facilities.
I would like to update or change my Credit/Debit Card details
To amend the bank card(s) associated to the account; Please log into your account, where under your account details, you will have the option to make changes to your account.
How many people can use my account?
Each account for the Payment Service is for a single user only. We do not advise you to share your user name and / or password with any other person nor with multiple users on a network.
Saba do not recommend using the payment service to make purchases on another party’s behalf and instead recommend that they register parking using their own credentials.
How do I know if my payment was successful?
If your payment has been successful, you will receive a booking confirmation email with your parking pass attached and the vehicle registration which is authorised to park within the car park (Please check that these details are correct).
If this email has not been received. Then this would suggest that the payment has failed or not been completed.
My payment has failed / My payments are keep failing. Can you advise why this may be?
Payments can fail for reasons out of the App’s/Websites control. The most common problems are:
- Using the app in low signal environments (E.g. a train)
- The Bank card saved to your account has expired
- Your bank provider has blocked the payment or needs authorising through your banking app
If you are unsure whether your payment has gone through. Please check the ‘My Transactions’ section for confirmation or check for the booking confirmation email. If the payment is missing and there is no booking confirmation email, it can be assumed the initial booking hasn’t gone through.
I need to make a payment now. What are my options?
Payments for parking can be made via a number of means. This includes;
Saba website
Saba UK app
Using the onsite parking equipment
Trust Parking App (For West Midland Train / London Northwestern Train Station Car Parks only)
Paybyphone (For Transport for London Station Car Parks Only)
Please note: Not all payment options are available at all locations. Please refer to the signage within the car park for further details
I’ve just paid for the wrong vehicle registration. What should I do?
Changes to the vehicle registration on the booking must be made prior to the start date and time of the purchase.
Please add the new vehicle to your app account first under ‘My Account’, then click ‘My Vehicles’. Then please go the ‘Active' or 'Purchased' tab after selecting ‘My Transactions’, where you can find your upcoming/active bookings.
Click on the purchase and then click on the Edit icon next to your VRM, where you will be able to choose another vehicle from your account.
If the option to amend the booking is not available (and the ticket has just started or is due to start), please immediately make a new purchase and request a refund for the incorrect purchase made to our Customer Support Team. Please note: Contact must be made at the time of the error being made.
I would like to change the vehicle registration on my Daily/Weekly Ticket booking
Changes to the vehicle registration on the booking must be made prior to the start date and time of the purchase.
Please add the new vehicle to your app account first under ‘My Account’, then click ‘My Vehicles’. Then please go the ‘Active' or 'Purchased' tab after selecting ‘My Transactions’, where you can find your upcoming/active bookings.
Click on the purchase and then click on the Edit icon next to your VRM, where you will be able to choose another vehicle from your account.
An error message has appeared on my screen
If you are trying to log in, please ensure your username and password are correct. Please use the forgotten password option if you have forgotten your password.
Please be aware that if the password fails more than 6 times in a row, the account will be locked by the system and you will need to contact our Customer Support Team by calling 0330 123 5247.
If the payment is failing, please ensure the following:
- Your card details are correct and in date
- The device being used the make the payment has a full and uninterrupted network signal
- Your bank provider is not blocking the payments as potential fraud
- If using the app, ensure you are using the latest version (with no updates due)
What is an e-ticket (Daily/Weekly Tickets)?
E-tickets can be purchased online up to 30 days in advance or on the day of arrival to the car park. For pay on arrival car parks, payment for parking must be made prior to or within 5 minutes of parking. Locations where "Late Pay" is available, payment for parking must be made on the day of arrival and must cover the full duration stayed.
An e-ticket does not need to be displayed within your vehicle. Your vehicle registration number will be automatically recognised during our patrols / via the ANPR system.
Purchasing a ticket online, via the app or at the payment machine does not guarantee you a parking space.
The car park I’m looking for isn’t available on your website or App?
Not all car parks can be purchased via the Saba App / website. If the location shows as "Booking not available online", then payment cannot be made via the Saba App/web. For details on how to make payment, please refer to the car park signage located within the car park.
The voucher/promotion code is not working, what should I do?
Promotional and voucher codes are all case-sensitive, so please double check this and try again. All voucher codes are limited to a timeframe and only available for selected locations (Such as West India Quay).
I’m having an issue booking my parking, who should I call?
If you are having trouble making a booking and your account details are correct, please call 0330 123 5247; And a member of the team will assist over the phone. Alternatively payment machines are located at the majority of our car parks
What payment methods are accepted online?
We accept Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard and Electron payments; Amex is available for West Midland Trains and London Northwestern Train stations only
I wish to remove / deactivate my account
To remove your account on the app, please first log into your account. Followed by selecting "My Account", "My Details" and then "Delete Account". You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete your account. Please note: Once the account has been deleted, historic receipts cannot be accessed.