Why did I receive a notice?
A notice may be issued for several reasons, including and not limited to;
- Paying for the wrong vehicle registration
- Photocopying a permit
- Not clearly displaying a valid ticket/permit on your windscreen
- Parking outside of a marked bay (including Blue Badge Holders)
- Parking on double yellow lines (including Blue Badge Holders)
- Not making a valid payment
- Exceeding the expiry time of the ticket
(please refer to your notice for the specific reason to your case)
I’ve purchased a Ticket / Permit but parked a different vehicle
If a notice has been issued, please follow the instructions on the back of the notice, evidencing the payment made.
Please be advised that appeals cannot be processed over the phone, webchat or via email.
I’ve received a notice but have a valid Blue Badge
If a notice has been issued, please follow the instructions on the back of the notice.
Please be advised that Blue Badge Holders must still adhere to the Terms and Conditions of the Car Park. This includes parking within a marked bay only. Please be advised that appeals cannot be processed over the phone, webchat or via email.
I’ve received a notice, but paid for parking later in the day or when leaving the car park
If a notice has been issued, please follow the instructions on the back of the notice.
Please be advised that parking must be paid for upon arrival within the car park and cannot be applied retrospectively for Pay on arrival car parks. It is the driver’s responsibility to make a valid payment before leaving the vehicle unattended in the car park. Please be advised that appeals cannot be processed over the phone, webchat or via email.
How do I pay my notice?
You can pay a notice by the following methods; Please note that paying a notice confirms your liability for the notice and you will no longer be entitled to appeal.
Please ensure you have your notice prefix number and your vehicle registration number to hand.
Notices affixed to the vehicle:
Online: www.payments.sabaparking.co.uk
Over the Phone: 0330 123 5247
Postal Order:
Customer Support Centre
Saba Park Services UK Limited
PO Box 2466
WD18 1XH
Notices issued via post
Online: www.paymyparkingcharge.com
Over the Phone: 01932 918098
Do I get a confirmation email when my notice has been paid?
Yes, as long as a valid email address has been supplied, a receipt will be emailed to you automatically.
How do I appeal/challenge my notice?
If you received your notice in the post, you will need to refer to the instructions on the reverse of the letter. Here you will find full instructions as to the various ways that you can appeal your notice. If you have lost your letter please immediately contact 01932 918916.
If you received a notice affixed to your vehicle then appeals must be made in writing and cannot be made over the phone, email or webchat. You can appeal your notice through the online portal www.appeals.sabaparking.co.uk. Alternatively, in writing to the address below within 28 days of the day of issue.
Saba Park Services UK Limited
Customer Support Centre
PO Box 2466
WD18 1XH
Appeals should be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of parking. Please provide the notice reference number, your vehicle registration and reason for appeal within your appeal. If sending an appeal via post, please provide a return address to which the appeal outcome can be sent to. We also recommend sending postal appeals via recorded delivery. Saba do not accept any liability for letters lost in the post.
Please note that paying a notice is deemed an admission of liability and you will no longer be entitled to appeal the notice.
Whilst your appeal is being heard, the amount due will be held. If your appeal is rejected, the amount due at the time of appeal will be applicable for the next 14 days.
How will I receive my appeal outcome?
Appeal outcomes will be provided either via email or post. If an email address is provided, the appeal outcome will be provided by this method as default to ensure you receive your outcome in a timely manner. Please also check both your Email Junk and Spam Folders for in case the email is allocated there by your email provider.
If an email address is not provided, the appeal outcome will be sent via post to the address provided by the appellant.
Please note that Saba Park Services UK Limited is not responsible for any keying errors made on the appellant’s contact details preventing the appeal outcome being received.
I didn't realise I had been sent the appeal outcome previously
If the appeal outcome is missed by the appellant, unfortunately Saba do not accept any liability. Please ensure you monitor your email inbox, including Junk and Spam folders to make sure you don’t miss the appeal outcome.
What happens if my appeal is rejected?
Parking Charges
Should you remain dissatisfied with this decision, you may further your appeal to the Parking On Private Land Appeal service (POPLA) within 28 days of receiving your outcome. Details of this are provided within the appeal outcome from Saba. While your POPLA appeal is in progress, the full notice amount will be payable and will be put on hold until an outcome is provided for your appeal. Please note the early settlement discount will no longer apply.
You’ll be issued with a 10 digit verification code, which you must use with your appeal to POPLA. This is shown at the top of your rejection letter.
Penalty Notices
Should the registered keeper have their first stage appeal rejected by Saba, the registered keeper of the vehicle may further appeal to an independent appeals service (Using the AS Verification Code provided) within 28 days of the appeal rejection outcome, details of which are provided within the appeal outcome. While your AS Parking Appeal is in progress, the full notice amount will be payable and will be put on hold until an outcome is provided for your appeal. Please note the early settlement discount will no longer apply.
Please note that should your appeal be unsuccessful, Saba Park Services UK Limited reserves the right to pursue the full amount outstanding as stated on the notice, plus any additional associated costs in accordance with our Terms and Conditions of parking if the notice remains unpaid.
What happens if my AS Parking/POPLA appeal is also rejected?
If your appeal is rejected, no further appeal is offered by Saba. Should you still be dissatisfied with the appeal outcomes, please seek independent legal advice.
Please note that a complaint based on the AS Parking / POPLA appeal outcome will not be considered as a further appeal and will not freeze the progression of the notice concerned.
What is the amount due for a notice?
The amount of a notice varies by car park. The amount due will be shown on your notice, and an early payment discount is applied for prompt payment if received within 14 days.
Failure to pay a notice within 28 days will result in further action being taken, which may add further administration costs and the higher rate being applied.
My notice is now with a Debt Recovery Agency. What can I do?
When a notice remains unpaid, after 30 days the case is escalated as unpaid debt. Unfortunately at this point Saba no longer manage the notice and is passed onto a Debt Recovery Agency to administer. Please refer to the letter received through the post for the relevant contact details if wishing to discuss the notice further.